malicious gropage of an exposed knee, often feigned as accidental, we know what they really meant to do.
10👍 1👎
Cast member in popular upcoming movie Halloween Ends which will gross 2 dollars in the box office
“Look! It’s knee thin! He kills Michael Myers in popular upcoming movie Halloween Ends!”
Whenever you get up and your knees crackle because you're getting old. Also known as bubbleguts syndrome.
When I got up from the floor I had crunchy knees.
When you use your *knee* to *steer* the steering wheel of a car
Used mostly when you have better things to do with your hands than to turn the wheels of your car.
Handy for eating, changing CD:s, putting on makeup etc..
Also great for air guitaring those awesome solos!
P1: So i was driving home from work the other day and the radio started playing Freebird!
P2: So what you did?!?
P1: No sweat. I just knee steered for 5 minutes.
Prolonged leaning forward on the elbows whilst engaging in iPhone gaming during the act of having a particularly tricky bowel movement. With the result of leaving a prominent red mark on the thigh saluting your efforts.
After a heavy drinking session on the Guinness, I was birthing a beast from my ass whilst trying to beat that tricky level on Angry Birds and it left me with serious Shitters Knee.
War Knees is when ones knees are completely fucked up as a result of shooting at ISIS during this crazy shit war.
When you have had to much packet and your legs stop working
Pass me my drink i cant move my legs ive got packet knees