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sergio calderon jr

An extremely attractive and talented singer from Redwood City California. He was born on October 6th, 2000. He’s part of a band called In Real Life who were formed on August 24th 2017.

My favorite member of In Real Life is Sergio Calderon Jr.”

by Sara Orlando April 18, 2018

Sergio Perdomo

the most attractive and hot man youll ever see in your life you should totally get with him espeaccilay if your name is jessica

Me: omg is that Sergio Perdomo!!! I heard he has a 20inch meat slinger!
Jessica: I fucling hate sefgio

by chestnutballs January 25, 2023

Sergio Aponte

An assface if you ask me he likes your best friend and they cant see that their inlove lol.

Sergio Aponte is such a player

by utvfyebhwdjnqs September 8, 2021

Sergio Martínez

A marica person. Very marica, the most marica person you have ever met in ypur entire life.

Tú, has visto pedazo de maricón.

Ya, si es el Sergio Martínez cabron!

by AritzLJ June 7, 2022

sergio limon

Sergio limon is a cool mf that gets hoes and gets money . You can always find a sergio getting dope, money and hoes he is also good at trapping and pimping hoes

Sergio limon fucked my bitch

by Sergio limon November 23, 2016