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genuine spook

when you get a genuine spook your cock grows insanely large

Some guy: woah shit man, you just gave me a genuine spook

by qwetyuiop[ April 12, 2017


A favorite word among white people for others of darker complexion, ie. similar to the N word or G__k word for people deemed un-Scott Irish, uneducated, and belonging to a mixed crowd.

Check out that spook with the hat taking a walk in that field!

I cannot believe you did not see that spook in broad daylight!

by Spock J. September 5, 2022


A term used to describe a person who is weird but doesn't accept their weirdness and instead tries to fit in and be normal. A marker of a Spook would be that if they turned out to be a lizard in disguise you wouldn't be overly surprised.

Spook: 'Hey broski... you want to go and grab a... beer, at the local bar?'
You: 'You don't drink and would rather be at the cinema, wanna do that instead?'
Spook: 'No, no... I really wanna be out with the boys.' *Produces a 'Me and boys' meme*
You: 'You're such a spook.'

by manlikescotty February 7, 2020


being very scared

soy boi: Oh you have spooked me

by Sex on leg May 8, 2018


A racial slur refereeing to white people and such

"Can someone get this fucking SPOOK out of my mother fucking chat."

by Bigblackretard August 8, 2021


A black guy hanging out with a group of white people

Look at that spook with the white people

by ClownActivity July 30, 2022


Term for someone really dark from tans

Hey spook, you’re getting real dark in the sun

by Spook Juliana June 7, 2022