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Power to Wisdom Ratio

A play on the engineering term power to weight ratio, referring to the amount of power produced by a vehicle (usually an automobile or airplane) respective to the wisdom, and experience of its operator.

“The Beechcraft Bonanza suffered an elevated initial accident rate due to a high power to wisdom ratio.”

by Mkwas May 12, 2023

wisdom teeth

Those molars standing far back in your mouth – if you did not have them removed. The latter may prevent your teeth to be squeezed and complicate your flossing.

Contrary to popular belief, the word stems from a literal translation of Dutch "verstandskies", where the word "verstand" can be translated as "wisdom" but also, written as "ver-stand" as standing far (away).

I was dumb getting my wisdom teeth out.

by Paddy-Whack July 26, 2023


The act of behaving stupid and act unreasonably

That boy is not serious, He kept on wisdoming

by Chuckos November 24, 2020

aged wisdom

the look you get from having wrinkles in your forehead

Yeah, that's because she raises her eyebrows too much; it gives her the look of aged wisdom.

by NetCast January 28, 2018

bags of wisdom

anoter saying of "boobs"

Guy 1: Look at that girls bags of wisdom bouncing!
Guy 1: Yeah, She's sexy af.

by aric_clovic March 23, 2024

Old man wisdom

When a middle aged man offers up his advice to a 20 year old, but the 20 year old never ask for it in the first place, and it's annoying as crap.

*20 year old me on a construction site rolling up an electric chord*

Middle aged man - "That's not how you roll up a chord. Here, let me show you."

20 year old me - "Huh, that's funny, you're the third middle aged man to show me how to roll up a chord, and all three of you did it differently."

Middle aged man - "But my way is the correct way."

20 year old me - "That's what the other guys said. Old man wisdom at it's finest."

by survivalofthefittest78 April 26, 2018

Dumbass Wisdom

Dumbass Wisdom is when you are smarter than they think you are but not as smart as you think you are.

He used his dumbass wisdom to ponder the shenanigans at work.

by Sweet Peep September 27, 2016