An incredible mixed martial artist with the most amazing kids in the world. Niko is a humble man who fights with more heart than many other fighters. Better watch out, because he'll catch that title belt!
Man, that guy could never be the next Niko "The Hybrid" Price! He may just be the next Tyron Woodley; half the fighter Niko is.
A combination of dark styles specifically goth punk and emo, or more. Only can be used when reffering to styles what are in between the genres stated.
Im not really punk emo or goth, im hybrid alt
The Snake Chameleon Hybrid will be come everything you want him to be and more.
It is a member of the car business. It likes to steal your customers and keep them for themselves.
Holy Shit, that damn Snake Chameleon Hybrid took another one of my customers and acted as if nothing was wrong!
The exact time when two species or varieties of plants or animals create and bring a new offspring into existence. Also goes for the exact time that two elements are combined to create something.
Say that Blue Oyster shit and that Afgan Kush had a hybrid moment and that Crazy Northern Lights stuff and the Super Red Expresso Snowflake had hybrid moment. Then the offspring of those hybrid moments had a hybrid moment you would have created something camparable to Gods vagina, aka Pineapple Express.
Asian slang for WMAF Hapa. Used for those unwoke privilege kinds. They will gaslight other woke Asians and stick by the whites. Useless ones
Asian man: "You're part Asian?"
Mutie Hybrid: "Yeah, my mom is from China"
"Asian man: "Then stay the fuck away from me"
A brunette that has the ditsy blonde curse
Did she really just say that ? I SWEAR she's a hybrid blonde .
A Ditsy brunette that's having a permanent blonde moment.
They can't get around there own town without a GPS...dead giveaway your dealing with a hybrid blonde