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seasoning police

A black person. Refers to the black community's tendency to criticize white dishes that are not made with "flavuh powdas" even when fresh ingredients are used instead that are exactly the same as the contents of these dehydrated and powdered seasonings.

If in your brain you only view seasoning as things like garlic powder, onion powder, or maybe something like rosemary, if this is what you view as seasoning and seasoning only, let me pose you a question. What does this come from? Granulated garlic, what is that? Garlic? Onion powder, what does that come from? Dehydrated onion? Let's take a look at this spice rub. Dehydrated garlic, onion, and bell pepper. Hmm. What is so funny to me is that if I had just doused my chicken in this rub and this rub alone, the seasoning police would be out of my comments, they wouldn't even be in there. But the second it's fresh garlic, fresh onion, fresh bell pepper, it's automatically not seasoning?

by wypipofood March 23, 2023

38πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Karma Police

They will arrest you for metaphorical crimes that no one actually understands.

Karma police, arrest that man! He is talking in maths and buzzing like a fridge, and I believe he is a detuned radio(head.) And arrest that girl! Her Hitler hairdo is making me feel ill.

Oh, uhh...for a minute there I lost myself.

by funwillfunwill March 9, 2016

19πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

Fuck the Police

1) What you say when you're being hassled by the man.

2) What you say to reject authority.

3) What you say (sarcastically) when someone thinks they're a rebel.

Should never be spoken quietly. Is best shouted.

From the N.W.A. song Fuck tha Police.

1) Cops pull you over for going 5 over the limit and ticket you.


2) DMV worker "Sir, you need to fill out the QR37 form again and go to the back of the line."

"This is bullshit. FUCK THE POLICE!"

3) Driver: "Oh man I just ran a stop sign!"

Passenger: "FUCK THE POLICE!"

by superbran June 1, 2012

105πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

fun police

Noun; see fun assasin

1) Person or group of people who make others stop having fun for whatever reason, usually out of jealousy or spite, but sometimes because said fun is against the law.

2) Another name for one's wife, instructor, parent(s), the legitimate authorities.

"We were having fun hurling dog shit over the house into the yard across the street with my home-made trebuchet when the effing FUN POLICE made us stop".

by I.Q. 151 December 5, 2004

152πŸ‘ 28πŸ‘Ž

Unoriginal Police

A person who ruins a good joke by commenting unoriginal even if the joke was original or even if it isn't a joke. And even if the joke was already taken, they will still not move on and start commenting it and ruin funny jokes, even the one's that are improvised by the commenter, or even the one's who doesn't know it was taken.

After a person says this then it will start a chain of people harassing the commenter using phrases like "Attention Seeker", and more.

Comment: Nice video, you should make some more content!
Unoriginal Police: unoriginal
Other Unoriginal Police: imagine copying someones comment for likes, smh

by TheGuyWhoDoesStuffWasTaken December 11, 2020

Twitter Police

A person in twitter gatekeeping or harassing users for getting something wrong in a culture, even if its a minor detail of skin color, language, and appearance.

they usually target something like art, content in anime and cartoon, and any content including controversial topics.

Person 1: Did you see that tweet regarding who deleted their art?
Person 2: Yeah, can't believe they got criticized because of a tiny mistake in skin color.
Person 1: Can't believe these Twitter Police gatekeeping any mistake in their culture.
Person 2: These people won't let us have our fun.

by HotgiggityDog January 21, 2022

alcohol police

An affectionate name an alcoholic mother has for her alcohol-free daughter... because, well, she's an immature alcoholic who knows her daughter is a better human that she is.

"I want to share that that I feel you have taken on the role of Alcohol police. I know you don’t really want to judge me. And, don’t want to believe you are somehow better than me. It’s just where your head is right now. I understand."

by GlazeHer August 30, 2021