April 20th is National Send A Tiddy Pic Day in Canada and the Inited States Of America. Founded by Alexander Graham Bell back in 2006.
Person 1. “Yo did you hear it’s National Tiddy Pic Day?”
Person 2. “Of course I did it’s a national holiday”
Person 2. *sends tiddy pic*
Person 1. Why thank you maddam you have made my day
Person 1. *tips fedora and leave*
1👍 1👎
April 20th is National Send A Tiddy Pic Day in Canada and the Inited States Of America. Founded by Alexander Graham Bell back in 2006.
Person 1. “Yo did you hear it’s National Tiddy Pic Day?”
Person 2. “Of course I did it’s a national holiday”
Person 2. *sends tiddy pic*
Person 1. Why thank you maddam you have made my day
Person 1. *tips fedora and leave*
The day to ask your girl to send you a tidsy pic.
Hey it’s the 1st of December. You should send me a tiddy pic babe. Its the National Tiddy pic day! Tobias is gonna be happy.
April 11th is national tiddy pic day. On national tiddy pic day whoever you show this to has gotta send you a tiddy pic.
I show Jackie a screenshot of the definition NATIONAL TIDDY PIC DAY, and she sent a tiddy pic!
The act of crying into your partners tiddies
Aerial: I need to have a tiddy cry
Hifumi: alright come here
When Kirby eats a watermelon he/she is „swallowing the whole tiddy“
Yo man yesterday i was swallowing the whole tiddy
Wtf man dont say that its weird
January 14th is when you send a good friend or a significant other a soapy titty pick regardless of wether you're a guy or girl
Hey Nick did you hear its National Send A Soapy Tiddy pick day tomorrow