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Tracy is literally one of a kind. Her beauty is like no others in this world. If anyone can come close to the word perfection, Tracy is the one! This girl will make you fall deeply in love and reciprocate the same energy back. She's very open-minded, understanding, intelligent, goofy, and beautiful is an understatement compared to her. I pray someone can find a girl like Tracy!

She is the one.

"I'm in love with this girl name Tracy!"

by Xehros August 10, 2021


Tracy and Tracy are the best god damn Tracy’s. They are both male and female. Tracy will rule the world

Tracy and Tracy are very good people

by Delton December 18, 2021


A stupid hoe. She can’t keep her hands off of other girl’s boyfriends and she also doesn’t have enough personality to keep a man.

Some girl: Wow I can’t believe Tracy thinks she can get my boyfriend just because she’s his “girl best friend”.

by Hhhhhhhhh04728 June 1, 2020


I woman that is meant for James.

James: hey thomas I fucked Tracy

Thomas: damnit

James: it’s probably cause you have a small penis

Thomas: no it’s not (proceeds to run away and jack off his tiny pecker)

by Tracy’s Lover November 16, 2021


That one short bitch who never leaves anyone alone

Person 1: “You seen Tracy?”
Person 2: “Who”
Person 1: “The annoying short bitch.”
Person 2: “Oh. Yeah. She’s at walmart

by Jenner r February 17, 2020


Means she has EVERYTHING.
Literally, EVERYTHING.

Tea: "Do you have an embossing pen I can borrow?"
Tracy: "Sure, it's in my room I'll get it for you."
Kubaining: " Gosh, I really wanna do 3D printing + CNC during the quarantine!"
Tracy: "No worries, I have the machine in my bedroom, come over anytime!"

by Uchiyama August 25, 2020


A girl who feeds off of sexual humor and wants to fuck every guy on Facebook.

Guy A: Ayo did you see that girls post in Cold Stone......
Guy B: Yeah dude that's the 30th sexual meme she posted and probably 300th dick pic she recieved.

Guy A: Yeah dude she's such a Tracy she'd probably rock your world though!

by YoureAPussy May 16, 2020