Source Code

harbor tunnel

A Big Sloppy Cunt

That sluts cunt is like the Harbor Tunnel. You could drive a truck into it.

by cornholio January 15, 2004

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Holland Tunnel

A dance moved performed by a smaller person from New Jersey in which the Jerseyian runs through the legs of an unsuspecting individual on the dance floor, yelling "Holland Tunnel!"

I holland tunneled my sister like twenty-one times at her wedding. I would just pop out from her dress.

by themoonies August 1, 2013

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Taliban Tunnel

A gay Persian dude. Can accommodate hundreds.

Hundreds of prisoners took the Taliban Tunnel last night.

by Bad Luck April 27, 2011

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Lincoln Tunnel

The act of eating larges amounts of white castle followed by the event of out a woman then suddenly vomiting in a her vagina. When the vomit is stored in her vagina, she queefs out the vomit back into your mouth.

Guy 1: "Hey, do you wanna go through the Lincoln Tunnel to get to the city?"

Guy 2: "You sick son of a bitch."

by Laharsephat May 6, 2012

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Womb Tunnel

Describing a cunt! Not the insult version of the word CUNT but a real cunt on a womans body!!! Used because it is in fact the Tunnel to a Womb!!!! GET IT?!?!

I loved banging Lauren the other night! She had the tightest Womb Tunnel ever!

by ohwicked69 August 9, 2006

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Wind Tunnel

This "sex" position requires 8 males, doesn't matter if gay or not.

First Guy: On Hands and Knees with ass hanging out (nude)
Second Guy: Holding First Guy's Ass Crack Open (preferably not touching the inside of the bum.
Third Guy: Doing the Same thing as the First Guy, yet on top of him
Fourth: Holding the Third Guy's Ass Crack Open Just like the Second Guy
Fifth Guy: Doing the same thing as the First and Third Guy yet on top of both
Sixth: Holding the Fifth Guy's Ass open Just like the Fourth
At this moment you should have three guys with open assholes (facing same direction) and three guys holding their assholes open making a valley of ass skin.
If you look up or down it there should be a straight linear line
Seventh Guy: This individual is on top of the First Third and Fifth guy yet blowing a strong but quick line of air down the ass valley.
Eighth Guy: This guy is at the very bottom receiving the line of air from the seventh guy and breathing it in or even blowing air back.

The Freshman Party was weird until the guys came together and formed a Wind Tunnel
For some odd reason my mom played the Eighth Guy
I got pink eye from this.

by IslamicBarbarian420 June 1, 2016

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English Tunnel

When a male has anal sex with a partner, then ejaculates inside, then uses a large, blunt object to widen the anus. Then he reaches inside and scoops out feces and semen, then eats it.

I almost gagged while I was giving my girl the English Tunnel last night!

by chinesetrout January 8, 2008

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