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A girl with the dream of winning the world.

Twinkle is going to achieve every thing she deserves.

by Alisha2021 November 25, 2021


A tan and white cat that normally is a stuffed animal that always has an owner that’s name starts with a z.

Did you see zara with her cat twinkles?

by Sophiedhall December 31, 2019


The act of two people urinating on the face of a third person. Usually two men on a female.

Me and Jay twinkled her last week.

by verbum September 25, 2008


Twinkles menacingly.

by Urmom (^ω^) May 7, 2021


A term commonly used to describe the release of urine often referred to using juvenile language.

Oopsies, I made a little twinkle and I'm so sowwy!
(idk lol ;-;)

by Radin Happier September 5, 2023


A "Twilight goth"

Referring to the fact that Twilight vampires (Edward) sparkle or twinkle in the sunlight.

by Dr Calgori January 3, 2012


Honest, Caring, Beautiful and what not.

Twinkle is the best women in world.

by Lodghv569 November 24, 2021