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The word used to describe the decontamination (or de-camping) of particularly camp individuals, whether it be making them watch hours on end of baseball or hetrosexual pornography. studies taken show that individuals with initials starting N.F are much more likely to go through this method of forced change.

"listen you little rose sniffer. im gonna get you un-camped!" or "you have just been un-camped, now drink beer with me"

by juanee March 16, 2005


A day that isnโ€™t a holiday.

Joe: Is it a holiday today?
Josh: No, itโ€™s an Un-Holiday.

by ImBlubadobebadoby December 15, 2018


Un-girlypop is used when someone is NOT a slay yass queen girlypop

"He is NOT a girlypop"
"So he's an un-girlypop?"
"Yeahh he is not slay"

by Kydotexe August 18, 2023


The action in which a male removes the blakets from a female .. Selfishly hogging them and leving her with cold feet .

Hey ! You un-blanketed me you douch bag !

by Chigga1323 December 30, 2014


short for unorthodox.

sometimes spelled unorth.

Thigh-high snow boots and miniskirts used to be un-orth.

by julie bing January 23, 2005

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something that can't be termed as really distictive or out of the box..an obvious thing or person..

i guess it was an un-unique movie...

by theGAME99 December 6, 2010

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The opposite of chea. Used to say no, or to disagree with someone or something. Un-chea originated at Design & Architecture Senior High, in 2009, among a group of 4 students who call themselves "The Krรผe".

Person #1: "Yo fam, did you cop your iPhone back?"
Person #2: "Un-chea, that shit got jacked good as fuk!"

by Esteban "Dvak" Lopez October 24, 2010

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