Zane is one of the sweetest, kindhearted, people i know. He is funny and is really fun to snap. He is also pretty cute :)
Person 1: Omg have you seen Zane Russel?
Person 2: Yeah all the girls are falling for him.
Person 1: Yeah especially Eliza.
A person who has poor hygiene and skips school to play games such as Roblox, Dead by daylight, Fortnite and many more But even expulsion held no fear for 6zjs. The prospect of freedom from the shackles of education simply meant more naps, questionable hygiene choices and indulging in video games. the diet of this person would consist of items from the Aldi freezer aisle and beverages would be some nice healthy cordial and soda. the state of his bedroom is dreadful and at first entrance would be a hit on the face with body odor, rotting toast under his bed and many mysterious white stains on his carpet and keyboard.
you starting to act like 6zjs (zane)
how things end, with zane bc hes a dummy
How it ended, y'know, the zane way.
A person who has deep feelings for underage children
Zane the infant slayer needs to have a monster and chill
Zane K. is a very strong BIG individual that swears he has a six pack, but when you pull up his shirt all you see is a six pack of rolls.
Oh my! Look its a Zane K. wow i can smell his breathe all the way here!!
Oh wow! Its a Zane K... I hope he doesnt crush me with his man boobs!
Emotional, loves to endanger multiple lives and will run away from problems.
"I am so sick of my ex"
"Yeah girl he is such a Zane Lofaro"
One bad ass mother fucker. Perfectly thick and juicy, who has the best mullet of them all , and has a hard throbbing COCK and any given time ready to impregnate any woman within a 40 mile radios. Only 40 miles because that how much gas is left in his badass yukon xl