When a male with a chode sleeps with a female on her period
"Sup, chode! Can't believe you nailed her with a bloody potato!"
When you have sex with a girl that is on her period.
John and Cindy made a bloody massacre.
When someone cuts their knuckles, then sitcks it in the vagina
I heard that emo girl bloody fists herself
The best ever, something that goes unparalleled.
I loved Kill Bill; it's bloody tops!
You need a pregnant woman, a "surgeon" and a willing consumer of the Bloody Export.
When a naked pregnant woman perfoms a handstand and spreads her legs showing the genital region.
The "surgeon" pours vodka inside of the pregnant woman's vagina, and then performs a coat hanger abortion whisking the vodka and the fetus until a smooth consistency.
The woman then stands with her vagina over the mouth of the consumer. The (lucky) consumer then consumes the whisked up remains of a fetus and vodka there by performing a bloody export.
I was worried about having a child with my house mate. But everything's ok. I performed a bloody export on her and got to be the lucky consumer of it.
A sexual act that involves performing sodomy without lubrication until rectal bleeding occurs followed by performing oral stimulus on the blood dripping anus, thereby getting blood all over one's face. If the giver of oral stimulation has a beard it can be known as a Bloody Castro.
Craig: Chris Brown didn't just give Rihanna a black eye, he gave her a bloody chavez!
Deebo: What chu mean?
Craig: He tore that ass up then tossed her salad!
A large piece of shit that has pieces of nuts that cut your ass so that it bleeds into your toilet when you are pushing it out.
The nutty bloody hurt so bad coming out that I cried... but then I laughed the night away!