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a guy who is just alright with me.

Me: jesus is just alright.

other person: oh yeahhhhhhhh.

me: jesus, hes my friend.

by Mississippi moon September 23, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 36๐Ÿ‘Ž


The Way to GOD. No man comes to the Father but by Me. If you seek Him with all your heart, you will find Him. You will experience a supernatural spiritual transformation called being "born again." The World and Organised Church ridicules this experience because they have never had it happen to them and they never will. If you are willing to lose your life in this world so that you may find Eternal Life( ZOE, the Divine nature), and if you are willing to die to your self so that CHRIST may live through you, then you should begin to seek first the Kingdom of GOD (righteousness, peace, and joy in the HOLY SPIRIT), for it shall be added unto you. Salvation (being translated out of this fallen state of being we find ourselves in in this fallen World) isn't just saying "the majic phrase that pays" and then you get "your eternal fire insurance policy." That is the deception the Organised Church has deceived well meaning Christians with, that if you just repeat after me then you're saved. They take one scripture out of context and forget what the rest of the scriptures say to their own eternal damnation. The quintessential knowledge of the way to GOD is that He resists the proud, arrogant, self sufficient and that He richly gives His grace, love, mercy to those who humble themselves and admit how much they really need Him. Take the red pill and experience the Truth for yourself or take the blue pill and keep living the Lie. The choice is freely given to you by GOD. Jesus said: " I am the good shepherd, and know my sheep and am known of mine." All these words I've written are from the Holy Bible. Check it out for yourself!

Jesus was the example of who GOD is. Greater love hath no man than a man that lays down his life for his friends.

by Terry Rumple June 14, 2007

33๐Ÿ‘ 51๐Ÿ‘Ž


man (yes, it's amazing that God was a man) who made us, right, and somehow (don't ask me how) made us individuals who can choose what we do, even though He knew it would cost Him - and then figured that since we'd blown it by not listening to Him, and since He knows how empty we are and couldn't imagine eternity without us, died the most painful death so we could be innocent like Him, instead of living lives that suck and ending up in hell (worse than hell on earth). This guy now helps us out if we let Him, and He's the answer to ALL the problems on the earth - you'd think we could give Him a little credit! (ie. admit He's real - but the last big bang my microwave had didn't create a mini universe, so I can deal with that - and let Him give us the answer, start living for something ...)

Jesus is ultra-awesome, and He gives life a purpose!!! And believe it or not, He deserves to have us follow Him (have any of your friends created you & died for you lately, when you hated them, and come back to life ...?).

by Tia April 4, 2005

100๐Ÿ‘ 129๐Ÿ‘Ž

jesus Jesus JESUS

Used in escalating anger when saying one Jesus isn't enough. With each jesus said the tone becomes louder and stronger so by the third jesus you are using everything you got.

(a ketchup bottle falls from the fridge and smashes all over the floor)
jesus Jesus JESUS!!!!!

by Stephen McDonnell February 9, 2006

34๐Ÿ‘ 237๐Ÿ‘Ž


gods "son", originally it was the sun on the centre of the cross of the zodiac, now the sun has been personified as gods "son", there are entire religions based on missed fact: in the nothern hemisphere on dec 22 the sun gets to its lowest point in the sky directly under the crux constilation or(the cross) for 3 days till the 25th, then it starts to rise higher in the sky forshadowing spring/renewed life of crops, animals, plantlife ect., therefore the "son" died on the cross for 3 days and was resurrected. the twelve decifulls are the 12 months on the mian calender also know as cross of the zodiac. the entire basis of all religion is based on astrological events twisted into human lives and stories. in fact the bible has countless astrological metaphors and imagery which are historically and astrologically acurate. the bible is also one of worst cases of plagerism in human history stealing every story as well as "historical event" from religions coming before christianity. most believers in todays religions are just to narrow minded or brainwashed to realize it or research it in any way. go ahead look it up for yourself or better yet search for and download or watch the movie zeitgeist. it goes much further into the specifics and details then i ever could on here. for religion a force that is supposed to be a good thing and show others how to live and treat each other, it has caused more seperation of people, races and nationallities, not to mention death and war then anything else on the face of this planet. i dont know what god is, or if there even is one, but i guarantee all these religions have got it really wrong. if you beleive in anything other then the golden rule or karma your brainwashed by human ideals.

jesus;gods sun or gods son? how about sungod? lol

by The Real True 1 June 17, 2009

15๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž


The only hippy anyone ever listened too.

Hippy: "You can't OWN property"
Jesus: "It's all good."

by pseudo-dude0 May 11, 2009

64๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž


Awesome Dude.

Jesus is the freaking man. O_O

by You Don't Need To Kno My Name. October 16, 2008

78๐Ÿ‘ 135๐Ÿ‘Ž