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Swan Lake

One person (the swan) is beaten and tied up then thrown to the ground. A group of men circle around the person and jerk off on them. After that, hot tar and feathers are poured onto the swan and the men jerk off on the swan again.

Poor Emily, she endured swan lake last night.

by Fuckemily69 August 23, 2018

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Lake Braddock

A secondary school in Burke, Virginia where you'd either love or hate going there, there's no in-between.

There's no chill there.

Basically the opposite of Falls Church High School.

A: I went to Lake Braddock...

B: Um... and?

by Kit Rat October 20, 2019

lake snow

A really awesome lake with cool cabin communities where lots of teens go on holidays. It is a place where the number one game is seven minutes in heavan, and getting molested by an 12 yr old happens daily. Kids go to their houses and drink and make out while their parents are at a camp fire. All the guys and girls are really hot and its the best lake ever.

When i went to lake snow i got drunk on life and then kissed five guys.

by funfunfunGirly8cCK October 18, 2009

data lake

Data lake, is commonly used for describing a large-scale tool where multiple data sources from different types of systems are fed in and parsed in pre-defined methods.

However, it is also quite common to see where incompetent peeps use when they do not understand a dime about data or data-science. Since it is not publicly well studied or understood area, some peeps use this 'term' to fool non-technical executives to extend their own projects.

A: "We will build a massive data lake, analyze everything from all the sensors with AI on the fly, orchestrate all the processes and automate everything and everyone's tasks"
B: Oh, that's nice. So you can hand in your resignation next year after delivering this project.

A: Ups. That was a nice outcome.

by blckbrd December 3, 2018

Lake Wedowee

Cliff jumping, tubing, boating, cooking together, slap the bag, fireworks, storm chasing, shaving cream fights, spanking machines, an excessive amount of catch phrase, witch cream, radar sloot, road trip, fireside chats, laughing til it hurts, Franzia, Smirnoff Ice in toilets.

Meredith: "Gee....I've never been to Lake Wedowee."

Rachel, Caitlin, Amanda, Caroline, Brittini, Marcela, Melissa & Natalie in unison: "Go get donkey punched, biieeeetch."

by Tapalooosa August 21, 2010

Lake Bluff

A rich ass town full of hype beasts (who ACTUALLY own Yeezys) and ultra preppy douches. Be prepared to see every guy in Vineyard Vines and khakis, and every girl in Lululemon or Brandy Melville. Honestly the only good part is the parties. The houses are huge and the weed is banging.

I'm so glad I moved away from Lake Bluff.

by wtfareyoudoingwithyourlife December 14, 2018

Lake Tenkiller

Best Lake in Oklahoma. Hot spot-Party Cove. Where you can find local teachers gettin wasted or hookin up with old students. You will find a variety of young kids getting wasted to old grandparents gettin shit faced. Barnicle Bills and Snake Creek is where everyone parties after the sun goes down.

lets go party at Lake Tenkiller!!

by love4deer March 28, 2011