Someone or something that is perfect and Amazing to be with, look at, or experience.
Gitty Wuensch is absolute perfection
When you've reached the pinnacle of physical and mental fitness. You're overall being is overwhelming to those around you. People question your existence to the point where they ask how do you do it?!
Too Strong.
Example 1:
Person 1 : You seen that guy over there lifting those weights
Person 2: Yeah there an absolute veapon
Example 2:
Person 1: Is he eating raw meat?
Person 2: Oo yeah he's an absolute veapon that's why!
An absolute tank is a person who is practically a walking brick wall that can easily punk the shit out of you.
Nerd : Hey I dare you to fight that guy
Other nerd: Hell no he is an Absolute tank!
an absolute donut is any one who is stupid. for instance ..
OMG You are such an absolute donut 🤭🥴 ( says in british voice )
1👍 1👎
A less harsh way of insulting someone by using food as cover to your overly attached persona to swear words.
Person 1: "I think the moon landing was faked"
You: "Please shut your face, you absolute croissant"
A term used to refer to an extremely good goal in football.
Messi with an absolute PEACH of a finish against Liverpool.
Refers to someone of amazing, unsurpassable skills in many different fields.
"Taeyong is the Absolute Ace"