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bowling alley

a place where sexy girls like jenae and kaleigh go to met hot sexy guys that r nice and caring and dont jack off at all unless there in the privacy of there bedroom all alone with the lights off and the door locked so nobody can catch them enjoying them selves.

go to the bowling alley

by emily 5 January 11, 2009

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Alley Cat

someone who never goes out and sleeps all day.

"Dont you know that im an alley cat and ill stay home and dream my life away."

by Steel Train December 4, 2006

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Rape Alley

Cell Block A

hi welcome to rape alley

by cornhub.corn September 3, 2015

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Alley Wrench

A penis on a woman; usually found as a decorative piece only. Unlike a penis found on a man, an Alley Wrench does not serve a copulatory purpose, and isn't the source for urinary secretion.

John was dumbfounded to discover Jane had a kinky side, which included an Alley Wrench three inches longer than his penis.

by wolfgang_cometh July 8, 2010

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Alley Oop

An Alley Oop can happen when a person goes to wipe their ass after taking a shit. As a the hand brings the toilet paper up to the anus, an extra little turd falls out of the ass, sticks to the toilet paper, and gets slammed back into the rim... just like in basketball.

Unfortunately, an Alley Oop usually means that the turd will be smeard around on your ass and probably require a shower.

I went to wipe my ass and gave myself an Alley Oop. Gross.

by Wang_1814 June 8, 2009

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Born Ashley Culpepper in Waterloo, IA December 12, 1988 Alley is becoming a well known household name. Alley oochee is a female rapper that is considered to be up there with " the men". ALLEY OOCHEE moved to Atlanta, GA in 1996 when she was 7. She is multi-talented she models, acts, produces, writes, directs films, and of course raps.


by jellyo November 23, 2010

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spack alley

Ordinarily the main piste on a ski map which joins the middle station of any European ski resort to the town, and the only way down once the lifts stop at 16:30. After which, however, it turns into an assault course of retard adult learners who are either; snowploughing down a slushy red run wining about who’s fault it was and probably blaming their skis or the snow because they don’t have the balls to put into practise what the poor ski instructor has been attempting to teach their inept sorry ass. Or, they’re making the most of their last day by skiing the length of the resort to the bottom, even though they lack the physique and brains to realise that they’re just white-trash cretins who should leave this sport to those who don’t piss their lives away in a two-star crappy apartment pretending to enjoy themselves, completely missing the whole point of skiing and being in the mountains, only to ruin the last run of the day for everyone else before catching the barf-coach to the airport for their cheapo flight home to remortgage their homes and continue their miserable existence.

Last one down gets the drinks?...Fuck that, I ain't going down spack alley on a Saturday unless we stay in this hut till dark. Get 'em in.

by Captain Cackpipe September 8, 2011

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