Twilighters Anonymous is the most comprehensive Twilight Fan website in the whole world. The Forum, Gallery and NewsBlog are the absolute best! The members and moderators rock too!
I joined Twilighters Anonymous because I am totally addicted to Twilight.
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A place where people go to wallow in self-pity and brag about their addictions.
It helps some people stay sober, but only through the superficial validation and amnesty for all of their wrongdoings. People in AA believe that nothing they have ever done is their fault, because they are afflicted with an addiction.
This definition was written by an ex heroin addict who has been clean for over a year. You don't need alcoholics anonymous to fix your life up- just a pair of balls.
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The suspected Judas in President Trumpโs administration, who stabbed his boss in the back, by writing a treasonous letter to the newspaper to expose his irrational and amoral behaviors, and to reveal why his staff deliberately withheld information from him.
Could Trump anonymous betrayer-writer ever be identified, assuming that he or she is not a New York Times staff writer who ghostwrote the op-ed to discredit the President?
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Name for a blogger who is old enough to join the military, too old to stay at home and is spoiled rotten.
Anonymous Coward writes: Our president needs to be impeached for his terroristic act of waging war.
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A self-help program for alcoholics involving group confession; substitutes an addiction to the organization and its rituals for an addiction to alcohol. Also AA.
Ever since he got convicted of drunk driving he's beein going to Alcoholics Anonymous meetings twice a day, and become insufferable.
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The form of English that members of Anonymous use. Nobody can tell whether they are using it to try and be cryptic, or if they just have a collective lack of grammar.
Anonymous Gangsta: The legion will rise to not slay the the beast that doesn't exist! We will air the waves with fire and a storm will come to blow the dogs and cats away!
Friend: Can you translate that from Anonymous English?
Anonymous Gangsta: I pity the dog of the unwise who cannot see the truth behind the shallow lies of the tongue of the wicked.
Friend: ...Okay then...
Some random youtube girl with a bunch of simps
Person 1: Mate, you simp for Anonymous Shade too much
Supporter shade: But she has such a nice voice!!!!!