Your Average Internet Users age normally ranged from 12-17 sometime 9-11. Mostly they are just assholes that say that Gen Z is soft but then dox people for having a different opinion *cough* *cough* jelly*cough*bean situation. They also send death threats to people and commit numerous crimes on the internet that can get them sent to prison. They have practically no motor skills and stereotype everything. Long story short they’re egotistical assholes that don’t need to be on the internet.
Jellybean Fan:Yo do you like Jellybean?
Average Internet User:You like jellybean? CLOWN
Jellybean fan I just like Jellybean what’s wrong with that?
Jellybean fan:What?🤨
The up most bland white family who’s kids go to Nordonia schools who like to hang out with their kind on Thursday’s and Sunday’s. The average Nordonia family owns a 200,000-300,000 thousand dollar house and lives in a largely populated development. They regularly help out with school fundraisers because they have no other fucking extracurricular things to do. When hanging out with (a) Nordonia family(s) they tell so many terrible jokes you want to use the electric chair for your execution method, you will be bound to be added to one of their thounds iMessage group chats
Person 1: “Why is there so many family’s at our school fundraiser”
Person 2: Oh, that’s a Average Nordonia family
When a desperate man gets his desired attention by talking to multiple average girls.
“Damn man with all these 4’s you’re talking to, you’re sure taking gold at the Average Shawty Olympics”
someone who says they are good at the game but then once an other character uses some form of attack they immediately say "GOOD JOB GOOD JOB GOOD JOB" in the quick voice chat then cry on the forums the little bitch they are. they have an incredible hatred for Black Prior and Orochi or any samurai character at all really, if you say the latin word for incredible at any time around them they will grovel at your feet and worship you as a god.
they also most likely use Reddit.
hey how was your first time playing for honor?
well i was called a racial slur by the Average For Honor Player after using a bash as Black Prior
only consists of queers
excluded from ramp:
“are u an average ramp goer?” “no”
Taller than the average person, but not taller than tall people
i'm decently averagely taller than des
A silly Filipino Minecraft build youtuber who I like. He also has roughly 400k subs, but hasn’t uploaded in a month
I’m in his Average Tuna Sandwiches discord and it’s very nice, and I’m not saying that because he has a gun to my head