a funny crazy handsome youtuber who makes a specific funny face that makes everyone laugh. he also trolls the internet. ever since he lost weight I've been wanting his cum in my vagina. he's so hot. he has a cute smile and nice eyes. even tho he was married to a handsome guy I still want him to shove his big dick up my vagina. and alot of girls can say the same. he would need viagra. everyone knows who nikocado is. if people saw him at walmart they would jump up and down. I love nick just the way he is.
girl 1: wait nikocado avocado is kinda hot
girl 2: for real he actually is hot I want his dick inside my vagina
girl 1: me too
nikocado avocado: gee thanks
Famous for being way too fat and having 1 brain cell
See Also: Definitions for type 1 diabetes, obese, virgin, American, no self control and brain dead
Used to insult someone or to show your children what America looks like without leaving the comfort of your home. NIkocado Avocado is famous for his umm... unhealthy diet and eating way too much fast food.
The avocado cracker dong is a level five sex move, so assume you have consent. For this move you are going to need a fairly attractive a peeled avocado a one saltine cracker and of course youre penis.
first have the woman cock your head back and place the cracker in the woman's mouth
then you are going to climb a small ladder and absolutely slam the peeled avocado into the woman's mouth. Immediately after you slam said avocado into the woman mouth jump from the ladder with your erect cock and slam youre penis in said woman's mouth. If done correctly the friction between cock, mouth,cracker and avocados make the mans penis ejaculate with extreme force and blow all the avocado out the sides of her mouth.
yo im so horny but i wanna fuck in a creative way
well say no more i just saw a tut on how to do the avocado cracker ding dong.
An efficient dick that is naturally abundant in girth pertaining to the shaft and nut sack. The negative being a short length that underwhelms the user.
“Yo’ James how was sex with Dylan? Damn, it was great, he got a real AVOCADO DICK! “
Another Term For Cool As Fuck Coined By Legendary Philosopher Reginald O Cado!
Not To Be Confused With Riggocado!
Yo That Shit Was Riggocado Avocado!
The most amazing, beautiful girl ever. She’s smart and talented and funny but goes through a lot. She deserves so much better than what she has
She is the pink avocado of the group
the legendary spell casted by the great GANDOLF GABE born in the fires of eon worked through pain in the forge upon finding the legendary chicken tender he became undieingly powerfull and casted his first spell while running under the burning brick roof of the forges tunnels he said slowley triangle isosceles circle chicken tenders avocado instintly disppering never to be seen again exept by his grandma he likes her cooking.
oh yea take this spell triangle isosceles circle chicken tenders avocado. (+5 damage)