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Backwards butterfly

A person that was crazy and partied a lot until they got into a relationship and have now become a lump like a catipillar.

My friend has become a backwards butterfly every since she started dating kyler.

by Mad city June 29, 2017

backwards goat

Oral sex on all fours.

We were playing twister and I slipped a backwards goat on her when she wasn't expecting it.

by Jolly rancher February 8, 2016

backwards umbrella

Where the doctor inserts an umbrella down the uthera then scraps out any sexually transmitted diseases from having sex with dirtys

I had to goto the doctor after banging a filthy to get a backwards umbrella to get rid of sti

by Big hairy gash March 3, 2018

Backwards Push

As opposed to a normal, frontal push, this is literally when you turn around and push someone blindly with your arms upside down.

To be backwards pushed is the ultimate embarassment and it can only be equated with another backwards push or a well placed elbow punch.

"Hey, thats the kid that got backwards pushed the other day"

"Yea, lets throw dirt and queso at him"

by AKAthecheesegrater April 16, 2010

reverse backwards

taking the first letters of two words and switching them, a great way to confuse and baffle the general population

Reverse backwards is a language that turns "Sinks like a rock" into"rinks like a sock"

by coolest lifeguard at SLP August 4, 2017

Yagami backwards

‘I am a gay

Say that into a megaphone in a public area.

Do it pussy.

Man one: “hey man, what is Yagami backwards?”

Man two: “I am a gay

Both : “…”

*They both then have hardcore sex*

by Fruityylol2 September 8, 2021

Rekrap backwards

Rekrap backwards is Parker

Friend: Hey Rekrap search up your name backwards
Rekrap:ok *search’s up*
Goggle:Rekrap backwards is Parker and it’s a boys namr

by Yourmomissofat April 2, 2022