Shane Bates is the cutest guy in lovejoy
Shane Bates is so cute!
The same as a date night without getting laid at the end.
After eating 2 lbs of chicken fingers for dinner, Harry was too tired to bang his wife, but he still masturbated in bed beside her. It was just another bate night.
a theory you can always rely on during any given moment or scenario and it never disappoints : made by the very wise Bately herself
“whats newtons law when you have the Bately theory”
If your name is Robert Bates, you are probably gonna end up a squeaky voiced disabled librarian
I went to the library to take a bullet journaling class and I got scared to death. Robert Bates was teaching the class.
The complete opposite of Andrew Tate like the off brand version you would find in the bargain bin
Sandrew bate: i’m the bottom G
Andrew Tate: breathe air