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Bisexual is a sexuality were a person is not only attracted to one spacific gender, but both genders on some level. Some people like boys more and girls less for exmple 75% boys 25% girls, It can also be even 50/50 or the opposite 25% boys 75% girls, it doesnt matter the percentage. Being Bisexual does NOT mean wanting or liking thresomes, it also does NOT mean being confuzed. Being Bisexual just means you are homosexual and heterozexual at the same time, and would be in a relationship or is sexually attracted to both genders. Bisexual is one of the most common sexualitys other then heterosexual (strait)

"hey man guess what I think I am bisexual because I like both boys and girls"

" Hey man! me too!"

by SimplyHOLOSEXUAL.com December 20, 2018


A sexuality in which one can be sexually and emotionally attracted to both members of the same and opposite gender. It does not mean that they are not monogamous in their relationships, nor does it mean that they are just gay and can't accept their sexuality. Unfortunately they are discriminated against by both the straight and gay communities.

Guy: Hey, that couple are both really hot.
Other guy: Huh?
Guy: O yea I forgot I'm bisexual.

by Flubub29100 March 26, 2016


Where some one loves both genders

I'm bisexual

by bisexual and proud July 1, 2015


The most finest people on earth

These bisexual guys are fine asf

by 5tup1dn1k March 10, 2021



I'm a bisexual bitch and I got nothing to hide. I like girls, I like guys (the rest of the song )

Rando homophobic: so... ur gay
me: no
Rando homophobic: so ur straight

me: no

Rando homophobic: than wut are u ???
me: a bisexual

Rando homophobic: Ewww that's gross *goes on a rant

me: do u ever shut up u are who u are and u should love that person

by (>◑Δ◑>) April 16, 2020


It's when someone is attracted to both genders (Male and Female)
It does not mean that they want constant sex. People can be bi and ace. It doesn't mean that they are confused either. It is actually possible to like both genders at the same time. And just because a bi girl is dating a guy doesn't make her straight Karen.

My homophobic fake friend- Which gender do you like?
Her-Huh? That's not possible
Me-It's called Bisexual

by Squengii October 3, 2019



I am bisexual

by proud_mushroom🍄 January 3, 2021