A word used for cool by old people from the 60's.
You guys are sounding bitchin'!- Mr. Marino
Amazing, incredible
Delicious as fuck
Yo- that homemade eggnog was totally bitchin
It's by The Donnas, Sly. Chokia is pretty bitchin.
Hey bitch, it's me, Bentley. Guess who it is? It's Bitchin by The Donnas. Hey bitch, I'm bitchiner than Dr. Phil.
the first curse word my gay christian friend ever said.
"who's bitchin?"
"heck iv'e said too much"
✨doin good and feelin great✨that girl everyone wants to be and the guy who get all the pussy✨
Lori: omg he’s so hot 🥵
Carrie: he’s bitchin♥️