Source Code

boot it

to move about in a large area.

Often the "it" can be dropped.

He boot it around town.

He booted around the beach.

by mattgk November 12, 2013

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To just Boot around like only a true Boot can.

You Booting right now?
You know it, I'm Booting only like a Boot knows how to!

by Bootler45 April 7, 2011

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it means you're slaying or like look good. Or in other words gay slang.

"you're serving boots right now" "OMG BOOOTS" "yaas giving boots

by emoslaycfan August 5, 2022

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It means to kick out, or banish.

Ianโ€™s being a dick Jake, should we boot him?

by Inferno Thor March 24, 2018

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An Australian term used to describe someone who kisses the bosses arse.(meaning all you can see of that person is his boots hanging out of the bosses rectum,the rest is up the black hole)

Hey where is Ozza?Oh there's his boots hanging out of the bosses bum again.Good on you boots.

by Ragnar Loddbrok October 25, 2016

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A slang word used to describe ones lungs.

Fill your boots with hoots

by PMFNA February 17, 2005

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Slang term for female breasts. Derived from 'boobs'. 'Boots. can easily mistaken with the same sound as 'boobs'. To avoid trouble, boots is used instead of boobs so it can be used as an excuse.

Guy with girlfriend and friends "That bacon has some nice boots"

Friends "Yeah"

Girlfriend ::slaps Guy:: "Say what?"

Guy "What? She has nice boots, whats wrong with complimenting her shoes?" ::guy turns to friends and winks::

by Taylor Straube October 4, 2006

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