Source Code

Coke Nail

A long, rounded pinkie nail used to snort coke from. For fiends-on-the-go.

My coke nail is proving more useful every day.

by Derge September 20, 2004

507πŸ‘ 154πŸ‘Ž

Coke in the Can

The act of inserting powdered cocaine into the rectum in order to get high.

Her septum was deviated, so she wanted a coke in the can.

by DigitalSignalXX November 10, 2009

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

coke abuse

Regular use (two or three times a week) builds up tolerance. You still get the buzz but you have to take more of it more often. With greater tolerance comes heftier come-downs. At the peak of cocaine abuse comes a condition known as β€˜cocaine psychosis’ which includes such symptoms as aggression and disturbing hallucinations, often of insects under the skin. Regular long term users of cocaine are prone to suffer from permanent psychosis.

Cocaine is extremely habit-forming and you should not over-estimate your ability to handle it.

Until recently, I had not snorted any Coke for at least 25 yrs and I have just now learned that it ceases to be quite so nice after blowing an 8 ball in 2 days. Doing this much, all by myself, was great the first few times I did a line or three, but after a while I was no longer feeling anywhere near the same results as I did with my first two or three lines. It was taking at least twice as much to get the same buzz as I was getting when I did my first LITTLE line. Also, the buzz started ending much sooner than originally and I felt so tired, shaky hands, grinding my teeth, and just wanted to be left alone. I kept thinking that if I just do one more line I will feel better, but this is not the truth once you have begun coke abuse.

by Dr H Post August 12, 2006

32πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

Mexican Coke

Mexican Coke is the original coke formula, made with sugar cane and not corn syrup. there for older people tend to worship this as it is what they grew up drinking.

The story of how Mexican Coke was coined,

Coke: were going to switch to corn syrup

Mexico: yo, fuck that holmes

by dabgnorts April 15, 2009

71πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž

Coke Dick

After snorting entirely to much cocaine causing one's cock to become completely useless.
"To much blow and the cock won't grow"

Jake Clitties from an episode of Californication during the shooting of "Vaginatown" gets Coke Dick after snorting some coke before a scene

by infamous joker May 8, 2009

288πŸ‘ 85πŸ‘Ž

coke shit

Someone that has been doing cocaine asks to use your bathroom, and takes a nasty "coke shit" that leaves splatters or skid marks that never come off the toilet.

Dominick came over & took a nasty "coke shit" in my bathroom!

by SMUGGLER305 December 12, 2008

56πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

coke bitch

A female (usually of a low socio-economic standing) who offers sexual favors in exchange for the opportunity to snorts lines of cocaine off of an erect penis

Hey, man, lets go pick up some coke bitches!

Dude, I fucked eight coke bitches last night.

Let's Eiffel Tower some coke bitches and catch it on video!

by Matt Bowez October 13, 2006

49πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž