Define means teaching a word or some like that. I never passed skool.
To come up with a meaning for a word.
I can define this definition. All I do is put a few words down.
To define define is very hard, But the definition of define is possible to define.
To define define it takes great skill, But you can define define, I am going to define define.
The definition of define is to state or set forth the meaning of a word, phrase, etc.
There you go! I just defined define. Yes, That's the definition of define, i just defined the definition of define.
"To define the word fuckwankerfanny"
To give the definition of a word
"I like to define words on urban dictionary. "
Define; is to explain.
Once you define your objective, it's now open to the public to respond, if it reaches them. or it may just be noted for record purposes.
what this we web sit e is all all abo out
i can define a word hu hu man