Defying all rules of uncountable infinity.
Definitely. Stating something is definite.
(1): "John stop counting to 5 without including every single decimal."
(2): "I definity passed that test."
Definity is the absolute peak of perfection. To be definite, to achieve definity, means to reach a divine level of greatness and uniqueness, and that is perfection.
This person is always on the chase for definity, trying to be as perfect as they can be.
Does you wife have parents? Are HER parents... YOUR parents?
Hym "That's a sibling. That's what a sibling is."
Barack Obama: Marriage Definer "Now, you see here... Marriage... Is a commitment... To only sleep with someone... Who is kind of your sister. Right? And I know... That based on our studies of how attraction work people tend to be attracted to the same genetic profile and, yeah, we got a lot of sister molesters like (Allegedly) Sam Altman and The Mythbusters guys... And yeah the vast majority of child molestation is someone close to or in the family... And yeah Arianna Grande fucked a guy who looks like her brother... And yeah Angelina Jolie and Trump be mouth kissing their brother and daughter (respectively and respectfully) and talk about how fuckable they are... And yeah they religion says that we started with 2 people and somehow exploded into 8 billion people without incest being necessary... But it's not incest OR pseudo incest... And you have to accept my interpretation of this... Or I don't have to accept your interpretation of anything."
Hym "Ok, well, to be fair... If Angelina Jolie was my sister you wouldn't in a million years be able to convince me incest was wrong and God forbid she wanted me to keep it a secret because I would Jamie Lannister the shit out of your kids if she told me to. And Elon's dad and I would have a lot in common if Ivanka was my step-daughter."
Could not define this.
Could not define this.
5👍 1👎
Ah, I see. So, it appears that you took the deliberate step of meticulously copying the entirety of the text located on the right-hand side. Presumably, this action was carried out with the purpose of conducting a detailed observation of what might transpire as a result, or perhaps to gain a deeper understanding of the specific effects, consequences, or reactions that could be prompted by performing such an action. This thoughtful approach suggests a clear intent to analyze and study the potential outcomes in a comprehensive and methodical manner.
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After a breakup, or fight, one person (usually the petty one who gets upset they got called out on their douchyness) passive-aggressively defines the other's name and people they are jealous. They usually use a profile name for themself that they narcissisticly believe is clever and thinking to themselves "You'll Never Know".
Childishly defining someone as a means to get back at them while avoiding confrontation.
Something an ex does to retaliate against the other because they know the other is too good for them and they have to covertly attack them to sooth their hurt feelings when they themselves are the con artist who took advantage of the other's amazingness.
You'll never know I breakup defined you and him.
Lol, he narcissisticly breakup defined me because he's too much of a coward to own up to his horribleness and passive-aggressively attacking me on Urban Dictionary makes him feel like a big man.
Define; is to explain.
Once you define your objective, it's now open to the public to respond, if it reaches them. or it may just be noted for record purposes.