Source Code

Development Transparency

A term that is rarely used, to represent how transparent the development of a game, or the update for the game is. This can range from showing everything that is being worked on, to all the way to keeping everything hidden from the public eye.

Quantum Science Incorporated's Development Transparency is Semi-Transparent, because they show sneak peeks of some parts of the stuff that they are working on. They do not show everything that is being developed.

However, some groups Development Transparency is at its full, because they show every thing that is being worked on, and all the progress that is being made.

Some groups have absolutely no Development Transparency, and update the game by surprise.

by ArcherDooser/Roo January 10, 2025

American Web Developers

American Web developers Get a personalized website for your company that accurately displays your job and works on all devices. We provide user-friendly websites for your brand that are original, appealing, and significantly enhance traffic.

American Web Developers Top Notch Web Development Company

by AmericanWebDevelopers October 17, 2022

arrested development

Stunted formative years due to your frequently getting cuffed by da cops.

Mike Hamar tells Red Green how he knew da legal system --- and da back seat of a patrol car --- inside and out before he was sixteen, yet as an adult he still acts really naive and immature about many other topics; sounds like a classic case of arrested development to me.

by QuacksO April 6, 2022

Discord Developer Day

Discord Developer Day is on October 30. This is the day when all discord bot developers can let their bots rampage the servers they are in. There are no rules for discord bots on this day.

Bot Developer: Hey its Discord Developer Day!
Server Moderators: oh no

by the-broz October 16, 2021

Frontend Developer

A fucking developer who develops both the front and back end of a system

Dean is a fucking frontend developer

by aminyomama February 17, 2024


The archaic spelling of the word, develop. Though spelling it in this manner has fallen out of use, it technically is not incorrectly spelled. However, you are still wrong if you use it instead of the more modern spelling.

Boss's Email: Joe, did you develope those pictures I sent you?
Joe: Hey Bob, what the heck is develope?
Bob: That's the archaic spelling of develop.
Joe: Did the boss mean develop?
Bob: I'm sure he did, best get on it.

by thl_sarcasm March 23, 2020


Develop but used for bonus Scrabble purposes or misspellings of develop

I develope a way to win this game of Scrabble

by Scrabblewinnerrr May 8, 2023