A term for someone who’s dreads look like something else instead of being a dread and being joked about, this started in TikTok like everything, and the saying is in quotation marks to mock them
Person 1: “your dreads if you scroll” ahh dreads💀
A rhythmic style of reading poetry, akin to beging on a boat in choppy seas. The reader's voice goes up and down, up and down, and the words of the peom are lost in the waves of pulsating intonation.
I should have taken Dramamine to offset her dread poet's voice.
When you go down on a super hot girl but once you spread you immediately dread the decision realizing the stench if dat pussy but go for it anyway
pussy spread and dread
Dreadbear can be seen staring at the player from the title logo in the DLC's title screen. He can also be seen in the game over screen, seemingly reaching out towards the player. Sometimes, he will appear on the level selection hub if the player idles for long enough.
Danger! Keep Out!
Dreadbear appears in Night 3 of Danger! Keep Out!, where he behaves similarly to Freddy Fazbear. He starts on the stage and approaches from the right side. As he travels through the pizzeria, the player must flash him on the cameras to stop him from reaching the right door. Unlike the other animatronics, Dreadbear's progress doesn't reset upon being flashed. Instead, he's only temporarily halted. Once he reaches the right door, he will instantly break through and attack the player.
Spooky Mansion
In the Spooky Mansion: "Dreadbear" level, HandUnit walks the player through specific steps to bring Dreadbear to life, with the mechanics functioning similarly to the Parts and Service levels in the base game. The player must color his brain correctly, while also setting the correct brain waves, and making it the right size to place it in Dreadbear's head. While doing that, the player must perfect his brain while keeping the power on. Getting any of these requirements wrong will result in Dreadbear attacking the player.
Dread Bear is a scary part of FNAF
March 18th is the day of the dread (dreadheads) celebrate with family members of your dreadhead birthday!
"Oh mi amor, it's The Day of the Dread"
Noun: a fart that was meant to be silent, but after release results in immediate mortification and humiliation by the party involved.
My wife and were quietly in bed when she released a dread fart and I couldn't stop laughing.
A teenage boy with eyes like a hungry tiger. He prays on girls with fake tans and huge boobs. He will play for a basketball team. Also has a lemony personality that fits the shape of his head. He will be defined in Dragon Dictation as Dreaded Cornice and after 6 months, will cut his long hair and hit puberty
So i really like **** ******..
Dragon Dictation: so i really like Dreaded Cornice...