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Economically lynch

Losing or depleting of African American economic wealth/investments in a short amount of time for an alleged offense with or without a legal trial. Created by Rodney E Orange

Kanye West has been economically lynch following his departure from partner Adidas.

P. Diddy has been economically lynch following his latest sexual lawsuit.

by Orange,R November 28, 2023

Economic Uncertainty Principle

Economic uncertainty principle: (noun) The principle stating that it's impossible to predict and measure certain economic variables with complete accuracy, due to the inherent unpredictability and complexity of economic systems.

I can't predict the stock market with certainty, it's the economic uncertainty principle in action

by Phieyl January 16, 2023

economical saucepan

it's a cheap pan.

person: what an economical saucepan
me: ..ok

by inksquiddo September 1, 2021

Economics 101

Also known as ECON101 - A phrase styled after the usual name of an introductory economics module at university or college. It's usually used by libertarians and conservatives to explain away the problems of capitalism, with the implication that their interlocutor "simply doesn't understand basic economics", even though a lot of said basic economics go on to be debunked in Economics 201.

Lib: "The minimum wage was introduced so that every employed person could afford food and rent, but ever since the Reagan administration, wages haven't been following the massive increases in productivity, as well as skyrocketing rent."

Cons: "Bruh, that's dumb - raising wages means people must get fired! Also, rent is increasing because more people want to rent! Supply and demand - it's just Economics 101."

by obnoxious_leftie July 11, 2022

Economic moral determinism movement

A movement that seeks to have people to only hold morals that will make and/or save money etc. for example if a person will help you make or save money then you should save there life etc. but if a homeless person is starving and they cannot help you make and/or save money you should let them starve etc.

He is for the economic moral determinism movement.

by The Fury 13 January 13, 2011

Economically unavailable

When you are unable to date anyone because you are not in a financial position to do so .ie broke as fuck.

"He cancelled our dinner date the bastard, said he cant do it anymore because he's economically unavailable'

by YoungRoy December 22, 2019

congical economics

Imposing the sexual expectation of your agenda for the betterment of your field of work or mutual monetary take over or personal gain between to consensual oppositions , coming together for the purpose of a strengthening company , entity or individual

No matter what area of big business one is in, congical economics is prevalent , especially when one or both sides are are on their 3rd marriage and or divorce.

by Adolph Leery May 5, 2022