Someone who complains a lot about Christmas and highly dislikes celebrating it because of something bad that has happened to them on a previous Christmas day, or around the holidays the present year.
"Oliver's being such A Winey Elf this year."
A wild elf race(ranger class) which is hood AF. Created by Chris Hamlin
elf ass is used to describe sweet-but-still-nasty scents/flavors. things that smell/taste like elf ass are sweet, but also have a slight essence of shit. some things that are elf ass are flint stones gummies, artificial grape flavoring, and spraying febreeze in the bathroom after you take a crap.
i have to take these b12 vitamins because of my pernicious anemia, they’re cherry flavored and taste like elf ass.
a Nicholas elf is code for an elf bar
"yo bro you got nic?"
"yeah i got that Nicholas elf"
The place you end up after a large dose of the psychedelic, yet naturally endogenous, neurotransmitter DMT or N,N-Dimethyltryptamine.
Coined by the late, great Terence McKenna.
"What up with Dave man?"
"He's all up in that Elf Machine'
A name for a small with shriveled skin. Squatlander, munchkin, dwarf, midge, little big man boy, thungoid, tassel-tot, ect.
The dog-headed elf-skinned harlot, Darwin squatted on his mushroom and offers drugs to pedestrians.
The respect that Glojenn insists everybody has!
Stryker stop propostioning us dude....have some elf respect