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Ending fairy

It is when idols finish performing on stage and the camera goes one by one on their face so they can show the hotness side of them

RM of bts has a very beautiful ending fairy

by Multistan4ever August 16, 2022

end game

The ultimate goal.

You are my end game. You are the person I envision as my end-all, be-all friend and lover. My ultimate challenge and reward. The end result.

by StinkyDiver October 18, 2019

Lemon ends

Small, extremely perky breasts that look like the ends of lemons after they have been cut off. Often they usually have larger nipples and are very attractive.

You should have seen Sally today! Her lemon ends were on high alert!

by Cassie9876 February 16, 2016

Spec end

A spec end is a mean word used in North Wales to describe a person that you don't like

Bully: you're a neek
Me: shut the fuck up you spec end

by Big Flizz October 14, 2021

snow ending

When someone dies from a cocaine overdose.

That coke whore finally got her snow ending.

by pholefono January 25, 2011

Tragic endings

1: When someone meets an unfortunate end or loses at a game.

2: When orgasm is not achieved or a sexual act never occurs.

3: Not happy endings

Dawn: "Steven you lost at Yu-Gi-Oh!"

Steven: "No!"

Dawn: "Tragic endings ?" poor dropkick :(

Steven: "Endings tragic" :(

by Dawn Dove February 10, 2017

Ends Guy

Someone who doesn't care about the process, and only cares about the end result

Brian does not care to have sex with girls. He only cares about the end result of telling people that he had sex. Brian is an Ends Guy

by SailboatBlumer February 26, 2011