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Peter Griffin in City Escape

A funny video from funny youtuber that people constantly put in jimmyhere's discord server and constantly supmit for his ylyls

Guy 1:Hey meg have you seen Peter Griffin in City Escape?

Meg:yes its not funny why do you keep asking me this?
Guy1: shut up meg.

by Yoshida the queen May 9, 2022

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay

The most informative film title ever. And also a great stoner flick.

Harold & Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay is as good as the first Harold & Kumar flick!

by Dude of Life July 16, 2008

75👍 5👎

Nut In her Kitty, Escape in the Two Fiddy

The act of ejaculating in the women and the escaping in your F-250 to avoid the outcome.

I didn't have a condom, so I just decided to nut in her kitty, escape in the two fiddy to avoid child support.

by friedtater69 December 1, 2021

escape affair

Escape Affair: A synonym for the phrase, ‘escape sex’, this describes the desire for a person to seek out romance and sexual relations with an ‘outside neutral party’ that helps them forget what they are trying to escape from.

Veronica was so frustrated after years of work on the Penske File, that she hated her work, her colleagues and even her husband. She needed an ‘Escape Affair’ To try and mask her feelings, she needed to escape with someone who didn’t want to talk about her problems. So she started banging the milkman!

by intothefray September 22, 2022

Escape Room

Come in and find out.

Get the Escape Room mug.

by Dichael Mouglas November 22, 2022

Escape Room

a place or imaginary thing you want/have to escape

OK, We need to escape the Escape Room.

by zACh Heli May 10, 2021

Building escape road

Corpse crawling on building site

"Man you are totaly building escape road, need a hand?" - in real life, towards some really tired man.

"Ha, dude, nice escape road u are building here, how many times u died under water to construct that?" - in game, when u see another player building sth in dangerous zone

by Baadco June 6, 2014