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A word used to describe someone annoying and/or disgusting. Can be used instead of swearing.

*Throws food at you*

What the frick! Don't be such a gronk!

by SirCrabTheThird November 9, 2017


A girl who hails from the central coast of NSW. Typically enjoys fish fingers and drinking southern comfort.

Hey pass me the last fish finger you gronk.

by Gronk1 June 7, 2019


An unsophisticated person with annoying behaviour.

'ya bloody Gronk Mitchell who told you to stick your dick in a blender!'

by huiuhui March 17, 2022


Verb. To absolutely just obliterate anything, own the moment, dominate a place, and just be the most alpha in a situation

"Yo how did you do in that exam?" "Gronked it bro that shit was cake"
"Did y'all end up hitting the bars last night?" "Yeah dawg we actually had a fat squad and gronked every bar we were in"

by Zeus, Alpha of Gods December 15, 2018


Verb. To absolutely just obliterate anything, own the moment, dominate a place, and just be the most alpha in a situation

"Yo how did you do in that exam?" "Gronked it bro that shit was cake"
"Did y'all end up hitting the bars last night?" "Yeah dawg we actually had a fat squad and gronked every bar we were in"

by Zeus, Alpha of Gods December 15, 2018


A word that a carllllllllllled would use๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Ur such a gronk

by Johnson Ibrahim June 22, 2019


The best bloke in the world.

Adam is a Gronk

by definitionmaster23 September 10, 2019