He is the greatest kid ever more like the greatest god ever the best nickname ever for Tyler is definitely Tylandish Goat
Yo did you see LeBron James today he played great I mean he played like Tyler Hogan
Big ass fucking simp even though she doesn’t fucking like him
Drew reminds me of a 3 year old all of his height must have went to his fat fucking face
Oh that’s my sugar daddy Drew Hogan he’s ugly as fuck but he buys me things so it all works out
A person that goes to CHS that deserves to get his pale skin burned alive and his tounge cut out for talking shit
That person is a Leom Hogan
A nice dog with a big heart and a muscular body, and he is agile and loyal and has a great personality and is loving, he will protect you no matter the situation.
Omg that dog looks so cute and loving and muscular, he’s such a “Hogan”.
Bitch ass whore who likes the big cock. He'll take it in his ass or in his mouth. He especially likes it black.
Hogan: Is that a BBC that you have.
Black man: Yes, would you like a taste.
Hogan: Oh, please. I would love some.
Man you must be named Hogan after all of that cock you are taking.
A delicious drink created for Ben Hogan at the Oakmont Country Club . It is equal parts milk, Orange juice and Gin.
“I’ll have a Hogan!”
Give me two Hogans on the rocks.