Source Code

something something idk

i can't think of a damn definition

what should i submit? something something idk

by Hot 19 yr old in your area July 24, 2020

3πŸ‘ 11πŸ‘Ž

Idk, I saw it on youtube

A phrase used to easily get authority and back up a statement in which you have no knowledge or understanding of. Can also be used as an escape route to quickly end or get out of a conversation(see example 2).

George: Don't place it near open flame, jackass.
Mike: Why?
George: Its gonna explode or something...Idk, I saw it on youtube.
Mike: Alright.

(to end/get out of a conversation)
Jim: It's not going to work, you have to fix the wires first.
Bob: Naa man, it's fine. I've done this before.
Jim: Are you sure?
Bob: Idk, I saw this on youtube though.
Jim: Oh okay.

by Dr. Jason Jensen July 30, 2009

88πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

idk what to put here

I dont know either, I tried looking this up and nothing came up so i did it my self. Anyways goodbye my friend

"Im going onto the urban dictionary. But idk what to put here"

by idk what to put here either January 19, 2022

4πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Best commercial ever created

Mom: Who are you texting three hundred times a day?
Kid: IDK My BFF Jill

by zak221133 May 9, 2007

689πŸ‘ 122πŸ‘Ž

idk red kinda sus

the best counter to anything said about you in among us

red: i just saw black vent, white kill cyan , and blue kill orange. vote them out.
lime: idk red kinda sus

. β€’ ゚ .

. . .

. ࢞ . β€’ β€’

゚ Red was not An Impostor. .

' 3 Impostor remains

゚ . . , . .

by cirnoisjusta⑨ September 27, 2020

15πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

idk, my bff jill

A funny quote from a cell phone service provider commercial (that probably doesn't work, but their advertisers know how to do a good job) after a mother asking their young daughter why the texting bill is so expensive. It's a common way to answer annoying questions to Myspace surveys or generally obnoxious questions

Annoying girl says, "So, who do you have a crush on?"
Response, "Idk, my bff jill."

by Basket Case October 16, 2007

35πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

idk my bff rose

best commercial ever. follow up of my: Idk my bff jill.

involves an old grandma texting. it is for an AT&T commercial

AT&T your world your wireless. IDK my bff rose. the granny should know better than to text and waste her minutes. hehe

by E. Shayna January 24, 2008

56πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž