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rover girl

not to be confused with a raver girl, a rover girl is the type of aussie girl to straighten her hair so much it looks like straw and it’s flat on her head, the rover girl wears ugly sunglasses that consumes her whole face, the rover girl only dates guys who’s names are moey or damo ( they are always eshays with a mullet), these girls abuse daddy’s money and they shit on other people who have their own style. their favourite words are emo and a few slurs, and they are all copies of eachother; similar names, personalities, styles and voices.

the term rover girl derives from the song, rover by s1mba as they are commonly seen repping this song on their story with the snapchat butterfly filter.

these girls come equipped with their boyfriends red p plates, black leggings, caterpillar eyes, an iq that can be rounded up to 10, tns or air forces and a disgusting fucking attitude and hatred for other girls that don’t look exactly like them.

omg did you see that rover girl? she literally tried to fight it was so embarrassing

by grubs.upyour.bum October 1, 2022


A wonderful person that I hang out with a lot. They love to draw and write. They are also very very funny. I’m glad I get to hang out with them a lot.

hey, I just hung out with Rover today! They’re doing pretty well!

by C0oper64 November 21, 2021


A pro type super car built by legendary: CITY GARAGE. A lot of the specs remain a mystery as most of the parts were custom one of a kind pieces.

Watchdog: I’m going to put a slow time on my Windsheild and slam on the brakes so hard my tires are smoking before the finish line in hope to not lose

Friend: remember you tried that last time and ROVER blew your doors completely off

by Debabe333 March 17, 2021


Is super full of himself.
Has no friends
Gets no girls.

This is my friend rover

by bigtableballs69 March 20, 2023


a) verb- to refuse over and over again
b) noun- a person who refuses the professional help they deserve, over and over again, and are therefore stupid enough to burn your bridges
c) a person who refuses, over and over again, year after year, Christmas gifts from fans and well-wishers.

when you need professional help for addictions such as gambling and alcoholism, you can always pull the roasted chestnuts out of the fire; simply stop being a rover, as per definition b) above

by Sexydimma December 25, 2014


a) verb- to refuse over and over again
b) noun- a person who refuses the professional help they deserve, over and over again, and are therefore stupid enough to be burning your bridges.

when you need professional social help for addictions such as gambling and alcoholism, you can always pull the roasted chestnuts out of the fire; all you have to do is stop being a rover, as per definition b) above. Burning your bridges, i.e. rejecting people who can help you, is not the greatest of ideas.

by Sexydimma June 14, 2014


a) verb- to refuse over and over again
b) noun- a person who refuses the professional help they deserve, over and over again, and are therefore stupid enough to burn your bridges.

when you need professional help for addictions such as gambling and alcoholism, you can always pull the roasted chestnuts out of the fire; simply stop being a rover, as per definition b) above.

by Sexydimma September 27, 2014