1. An evolutionary biologist. Author of books including The Genial Gene and Evolution's Rainbow.
2. A BAMF.
Josh is so cool. He's a total Joan Roughgarden.
Male name. Almost allways handsome. Good guy, friend of his friends and allways ready to help. A little bit gizajue, but just a little.
Oi ostiakue atzo Joanesek.
the prettiest girl in the room. shes always looking out for other and attract all the guys in the room. she hates sly b*tches that don't keep their promises. she cherises her friendships alot.
"guys i wanna be like joane"
"yeah me too, she so amazing"
"ugh whens it my turn"
He likes to wear shirts with toungues on them. He looks like a 2 year old but acts like a 90 year old pregnant man. He thinks he likes Star Trek but really he likes Dora the explorer.
Hey. I have feeling the Dora the explorer.
Joan spelt weird: nah I'm a Star Trek fan.