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A energetic skinny boy.

Very handsome and funny, tried to fit in the best he can but always fails at the end.

Jordyn, a skinny boy who tries his best to fit in but doesn't, has a girl name but has manners. Has a short-temper but knows how to control it.

by Omoi Kamaku May 9, 2018


Great people always fun to be around and always funny

Jordyn- omg your so funny

by Penis sucker1000 April 18, 2021


Jordyn is a half bucket, not a full bucket though.
Jordyn is a savage that will go as far as a full bucket but shes doesnt look like a full bucket.

She has no handle, so you have to carry her in your arms.

Boy 1- why is that guy carrying that bucket in his arms
Boy 2- because thats a jordyn dude

by Mitcher February 5, 2025


The finest most sexiest boy you will ever see he is sweet,loving,and Athletic.... they are very good in bed and has a very big dickđź’Żđź’Ż

Jordyn is very cute

by Fhfyy to gfy July 28, 2021


Jordyn’s are one of the best people you will meet, if you aren’t close to her she usually won’t try to become friends cause she isn’t very good at it. But if you are close she will care so so much about you and you would have to mess up big time for her to not like you anymore and usually if you do mess up big time she will still care about you. Jordyn’s usually have a rough personal life and there is usually something shitty going on in their lives but sometimes it is hard to know whether she wants to talk about it. Jordyn’s are usually really good at some type of art and will fascinate everyone with it.Jordyn’s will probably have no detentions and try’s their best in class. Jordyn’s love their friends and will comfort them when ever they need it. Jordyn’s are super strong and can get through anything. If Jordyn’s are ever annoyed at you you should always try to talk to them and talk about what you are feeling so you can try and work it out. Jordyn’s will always love their closet friends and always try’s to find a way to make things better. Jordyn’s will try their best to fight the shit going on behind the scenes but usually will let a lot out when she is with people she trusts

Jordyn is going through so much but always manages to stay strong.

Woah shes pretty and really cute!

Yeah thats Jordyn!
Jordyns- Sweet pretty and kind

by ThatkindandniceDennis April 22, 2024


She's fun,Cool, and energetic. She's the best person to talk to. She's hot and smart and lol I would date her but my brother has her lol.

Jordyn, I love you bestie

by Amanda Koppang August 14, 2022


Jordyn F is so sexy and hot at first she seems quiet and very shy but then she opens up she may tell you that she isn't pretty but don't believe that she is so awesome and I'm glad to be her friend

Is that a Jordyn she seems gay

by crazysmallgirl May 16, 2022