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pissing Kool-Aid

Someone that drinks the Kool-Aid so often and so deeply that their urine consists mostly of Kool-Aid.

These people are pissing Kool-Aid if they think taxes are owed for services rendered by the government.

by bitcoin2cash May 17, 2011

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kool aid man

giant thing of kool aid.often bust through the wall when peter griffin is in court

peter:oh no!meg:oh no!brian:oh no!chris:oh no!kool aid man:oh yeah! judge:will everyone stop saying oh no in the courtroom 'cause the kool ad man will keep showing up!

by futuramafan February 9, 2008

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Kool Aid Man

A beastly man in the shape of a glass pitcher filled with kool aid with arms and legs that bust's through walls yelling Oh Yeah!

Kiersten : Thank God Chad put an end to Steve hanging around here during the week!
Kaylee : Yeah I guess changing the locks and adding extra security really helps!
Kiersten : What the fuck's that noise?
Steve : Oh Yeah!!!!
Kaylee : God Damn't you busted a hole in the building Jesus Christ!
Steve : Im the Kool Aid Man Oh Yeah!!!!
Chad : Why the fuck is there a hole in the building?
Kiersten : Oh Steve is the Kool Aid Man! Oh Yeah!
Chad : Steve can I see you in my office please?
Steve : Oh Yeah!!

by SlopNChop August 2, 2018

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sophisticated kool-aid

kool-aid mixed with any beverage, also must have a tea bag in the container it's in

yo aunt let me have some sophisticated kool-aid

by Trev Tumm July 2, 2007

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Kool-Aid kids

An advert chain by Kool-Aid from the 60's to promote their highly inaccurate and racist commercials featuring "Kool-Aid kids". They usually visit other countries, and they are unhappy since they don't have kool-aid. They say: "Kool-Aid, Kool-Aid. Taste great. Wish we had some. Can't wait..." Then they show a small clip of their family (actresses) drinking kool-aid and smiling to it.

Kool-Aid kids: Kool-Aid, Kool-Aid! Taste great! Wish we had some, can't wait!
Racist stereotype of an Asian: Hi, Kool-Aid kids! We're very wise! Son by people be suprise!
Kool-Aid with epicanthic folds (asian eyes): Kool-Aid, Kool-Aid! Sooo great! Once you tried it, no fun can't wait!

by someunfunnyguy69 May 24, 2018

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Minnesota Kool-Aid

When a girl mixes you a drink comprised of what appears to be red Kool-Aid. In reality, this is a mixture of water and menstrual blood. Drink up!

Lance Armstrong: Sheeeit I only got one man pebble. At least I got this Kool-Aid.
Sheila: Sorry Lance that's a Minnesota Kool-Aid!

by Yohan Pino March 24, 2009

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kool-aid incident

An episode of anxiety, outrage, anger, or extreme stress where one could potentially go through the wall, as would the Kool-Aid man himself.

Wow, did you see Mikey flip out? He really had a kool-aid incident!

by Frank E. M. White September 2, 2006

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