A pumpkin that was carved to look like a fool or simpleton.
He carved a wack-o'-lantern to look foolish.
a jack o lantern, but pineapple. why?
"did you see jake? that madman has a pineapple jack o lantern instead of a pumpkin, what a Weirdo" he says knowing full well he has a watermelon jack o lantern.
Teeth so jacked up, they look like a Jack-o-lantern's teeth.
I was gonna holla at her, until I saw her Jack-o-lantern teeth.
When you are eating ass, and the girl lights a fart on fire in your face.
"Dude, your face is burned! What happened?"
My girl did a Rusty Lantern while I was eating her ass.
On the night of All Hallows Eve, the male proceeds to thrust a carved pumpkin onto his partners, male or female, head while participating in the act of sexual intercourse. While the male performs these tasks he must yell out "Trick or Treat."
I can't wait for halloween this year, Pat promised to give me The American Jack-O-Lantern.
A man cuts holes in a pumpkin for the eyes nose and mouth. several men jack off then stick their cocks in the holes and shoot their loads in the pumpkin
Once all the men are done, the pumpkin is cut open and emptied out, and a pumpkin pie is made. Must be served to a special girl with a side of ice cream
"I had Jack o' Lantern Pumpkin Pie Sex with Stacy last night with the guys. I know she is the one"
Riley Lantern is a great person, friend, and ESPECIALLY COUSIN 😱😱 they are very sarcastic, but a great person to hang out with. if you have a Riley Lantern as a friend. tell them i said hi.
Riley Lantern - omg you are sooooo great at singing isaiah aha
isaiah - LET IT GOOOOO