Are you going to finish that Martini or are you leaving a Larry?
Paid time off from work to attack the honeydo list.
Antonym: shore leave
I'm glad you got to go to Mexico for vacation. I was on chore leave, hoping maybe THAT would get me some poontang.
The slang for the once high class bucks county suburb of Philadelphia pa. But due to the rich way of growing up the offenders all snitch on their homies instead of taking their misdemeanor possession charges .
instead of taking there misdemeanor possession charge they will give up their bestfriends for major drug distribution.
Yo you should have known barbs ex would snitch on you .that fake DJ is from Leave-it-town
Crazy Leave is time off from work when you just cannot take anymore of the crazy ass, shitshow crap that people keep on unloading on you.
After the last meeting, Kelly had to take a Crazy Leave to recover from the insanity and stupid mistakes being made by people who were not getting enough attention.
When you spill something and try to wipe it with your sleeve before giving up and leaving before you get caught
Graham: bro I was at starbys yesterday and totally biffed drinking my machiatto so I had to pull the ol’ sleeve & leave
Johnny Snakeguns: shut up city boy
it means no bullshit
like when your baby mama is bussin and you gotta say leave the cap
"are you pregnant"
"of-course not leave the cap"
A period of time where the woman takes advantage of the fact that shes a woman and gets paid for not showing up to work. Don't ask why, or else risk being branded as woman hater by feminists.
RationalDude: Maternity leave is basically a paid vacation, thats why its controversial.
Feminist: What? You have something against maternity leave? You must be RACIST...I mean uh SEXIST! You hate women! You're a rapist! You beat your wife every night don't you?
RationalDude: I don't hate women and I'm not married yet...
Feminist: DOWN WITH MEN!!
RationalDude: *shakes head* whatever
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