an underground group of secret agent pwnzorz. known for sending out nail bombs laced with poo to unsuspecting noobs. leet poo hit krew head quarters are rumored to be in Amsterdam, Norway or the UK.
"OMG WUT HAPPEND? your face is gone...OMG YOU GOT PWNED BY THE HIT KERWW!!111one!!11!!"
5👍 29👎
Points Randomly Passed out by BObo D. HObo
<BObo>ow, that was nice, have a leet point!
The ability to successfully manage multiple concurrent meetings on zoom, teams and webex (common activity since the start of the pandemic)
What are you doing this afternoon? Oh man.. I'm leeting again. When will I get some time to do actual work?
A soccer mom's version of lit. Only more cringier. You can say that it's an upgrade, but it's not.
Man, that fortnite game was Leet!