Toxic to bullies a rages he is good at fortnite likes to play football a nice brother sometimes
A mighty fine muscular man whose handsome jawline and perfect body instantly makes any girl fall in love with him. His soulful voice and witty sense of humor makes everyone around him feel high. Some people think he’s too energetic, but really it’s only cus his spirit animal is a chameleon.
“Monty looked so fine at that party the other night!”
A Monty is where you spell a word so horrendously wrong that it no longer resembles any known language
Darren: You looking forward to going to Snutrimpa?
Me: Huh?
Darren: I meant America
Me: You've done a Monty
"doing a Monty" is the act of taking a photo of yourself in front of a full length mirror to post on Instagram in order to "flex" your "garms".
Clashing colours are advised. For maximum effect, dungarees should be worn.
Hey man I did a wicked Monty the other day, I wore my dungarees and looked like I was still in preschool. Got bare likes on the 'gram.
A No-brainer, a decision whose answer is so obvious that it requires almost no thought.
He'd won the lotto, so the decision to quit his job was a total monty.