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Party Mung

A Party Tom who enjoys donning a shovel and bucket at night, frequenting the local graveyard, and then enjoying a long mung.

Person 1: Party Tom, what are you doing?
Party Tom: You're a mess, mate.
Person 1: Nice one, where are you going?
Party Tom: For a mung, mate.
Person 1: Party Mung.

by tomckendizzle October 16, 2006

31๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

corpse munging

The acitvity, rumoured to have become something of a craze in early 1990s LA, of disinterring a fresh(ish) female corpse and postioning one's open mouth around the pubis whilst one's friend takes a running jump at the body bringing both feet down heavily on the stomach cavity and supposedly causing a jetstream of internal matter to issue from the vagina and into the mouth of the 'mungee'. The effluvia should be fully swallowed and ingested for this to qualify as an authentic 'mung'. Opinion is divided as to the reliability of witness accounts purporting to have taken part in this ceremony. Or that the ritual has ever taken place at all.

Father Dowling: "Sister, do you have the keys to the crypt handy?"
Sister Steve: "Oh no, Father. Not corpse munging again!"
Father Dowling: "Get down those stairs you!"
Sister Steve: "Are you ready, Father?"
Father Dowling: "Ready as I'll ever be."
Sister Steve: "God forgive me"
Father Dowling: "Gaaaaaah"
Sister Steve: "Huuuueeey!"

by Shimpei Mishima September 26, 2006

702๐Ÿ‘ 317๐Ÿ‘Ž

mung baptism

mung baptism is usually done to a "virgin" munger as a sort of initiation after his first mung outing. After preforming mung one sprinkles mung juice on the once virgins head. It's pretty much a one way ticket to hell.

Now that you've finally had sex and eaten out a dead person, we must now preform mung baptism on you.

by Tyler Roberts October 22, 2007

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Mung Fairy

A fairy that sneaks in your window late at night after you've lost a tooth, and instead of placing a quarter, places a small ziploc bagie of mung under your pillow.

"Mommy, last night the mung fairy gave me the most delicious bag of mung, ever!"

by Josh the Mighty October 19, 2005

57๐Ÿ‘ 20๐Ÿ‘Ž


The injury (similar to a hard slap) incurred when one is hit in the face by a powerful explosion of mung, during munging.

"She was mung-stung because her mungbuddy was wearing heavy boots during the munging"

by AliMcMung May 21, 2006

9๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž

mung diving

Mung diving is when you and your friend (or enemy) go through the obituaries and find a recently dead hot chick, go to the graveyard and dig her up, lay her next to the gravestone, then you and your friend flip a coin. the loser has to put his/her mouth on the dead girls vag and the winner jumps from the top of the gravestone onto the dead chicks stomach shooting dead juice into the loosers mouth.
swallowing is optional depending on the nature of the bet

fuck you dude, we will settle this the manly way.... were mung diving to settle this

by shadowplyr April 5, 2008

161๐Ÿ‘ 69๐Ÿ‘Ž

Captain Mung

Leader of the Mung revolution, director of Mung affairs. He is thought to have been born in South London but has moved to warmer climes in search of juicy Mung and to spread the word of Munging.

Question: "Who is that wonderful, heroic, yet slightly deranged man who seems so enlightened?"

Answer: "That is Captain Mung"

by Mung Priest November 23, 2011