Something ppl say when a edit is horrible
This new c5 edit is pretty interesting
overused filler word in response to an absolutely uninteresting information, or something you don't know how to respond to.
hannah, aka minecraftgodwhoisverycoolandrich
pogchamp mah dude! ur so interesting- but not as interesting as hannah!!! :D gogyWhip
Woah did you hear the presidents address about Protecting American Interests in the Region?
I got bored after he started talking about civilian casualties
1. When a completely random set of people find themselves hanging out together and a third party decides to comment on their unusual outing
2. Any circumstance involving a random group of people who have absolutely nothing to do with each other
1. “Becky! Did you see them having dinner the other day?”
“Yes! What an interesting assortment of characters dining in unison”
2. “A random assortment of characters dining in unison just texted me !!!!!” (Completely open to any sort of interpretation)
A retards response who doesn’t know what he’s talking about when he receives a cold call. If he says he’s not interested more than once he’s a top tier retard
John: Hello Bob how are you?
Bob: I’m not interested
John: We’ll the reason I’m calling is…
Bob: I’m… not…. Interested….
John: but..
Bob: Can you hear me? I’m not interested son
adj. Used to describe anything that is typically horrifying and/or potentially life-threatening in nature, yet also oddly appealing as it is not an everyday occurrence.
girl #1: My former b-frond got the hiv from some slag in cracktown.
girl #2: Huh...well that's ebola-interesting. Think he'll die?
girl #1: Hopefully, the rat bastard.