Source Code

open window

When there is an open opportunity in someone's relationship, meaning someone else can walk in and code green that Boop.

Jillian finally told me about her Open Window

by Jillians Daddy February 27, 2017

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Opening the Umbrella

The act of masturbating under your blankets. "Opening the Umbrella" refers to the similar movements and look of someone opening an umbrella.

1. Jim: Dude, I just caught Billy opening the umbrella in his bed!

2. Earl: Oh! What are you doing there?

Steve: Nothing. Just opening an umbrella under here.

by Ol' CB August 5, 2010

17๐Ÿ‘ 6๐Ÿ‘Ž


You are open to being bisexual. You define your gender orientation as straight but you are open to having a bisexual experience. One step farther then bi-curious but one step back from being bisexual. The term is to imply that you aren't looking for a same sex experience but open to it if it were to be presented.

I don't normally sleep with men but in your case, I'm bi-open.

Alan: Is Beth leaving with that woman? I thought she was straight.

Rick: She is, but she is bi-open.

bisexual bi-curious gay lesbian straight sexual orientation

by Alexander "Honey Badger" Foxx April 7, 2016

open boxed

when someone leaves you on opened on snapchat, according to georgia bunkers

โ€œHey did Laina respond to your snap?โ€œ
โ€œNo she open boxed meโ€

by Kitty Girl meoowww September 14, 2020

open delivery

When your mail arrives pre opened for your convenience.

Daan chose the open delivery option because he was too lazy to open the envelope himself.

by Dora the pokemon explorer September 8, 2016

pools open

what a woman says when she is ready to get pregnant; relating to how sperm "swims"

lady 1: when are you ever going to have a baby?
lady 2: well, pools open.

by owenthekid May 10, 2016

open a can

open a can of WHOOP-ASS

If that man keeps messing with me, iโ€™m gonna open a can

by yo mommas grandmama July 28, 2019