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Pee pee suck

Something that Jeffy from SML (super mario logan) names every pet such as his dog, fish and hamster.

Mario: Alright Jeffy, what are you going to name your pet.

Jeffy: Pee pee suck

Mario: Jeffy, you are not calling it Pee pee suck

by Eddie the Head May 20, 2021

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Pee Pee Snot

Male seamen.

I wiped my Pee Pee Snot off on my jeans.

by Mark J. S. February 15, 2009

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pee-pee head

I ponder how one might obtain a head made of urine.

Now THATS retardation for you.

by Bastardized Bottomburp October 4, 2003

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Bumpin pee pees

When a guy and girl are having sex.

I just went to dinner with her, we weren't bumpin pee pees.

by Low-impact May 3, 2013

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Evan's Pee Pee

He has a small pee pee and WILL stab you ( not with the pee pee it's to small)

Wow Evan's Pee Pee Is SO SMALL look girls it's like a tic tac.

by Evan Senpai October 2, 2018

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Pee Pee Cuffer

Guy who cannot let go of his penis. aka chronic masterbater.

Bobby Belley is such a pee pee cuffer!!!

by lockalocka April 28, 2011

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pee pee wad

What comes out of a prepubescent child when he attempts to masturbate.

When I was 7 I jerked off but all that came out was a little pee pee wad.

by Red D March 19, 2008

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