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Someone with common sense who knows that Facebook mom groups don’t give accurate information

Someone who is pro-vaxx chooses not to believe in pseudo-science made by people who enjoy killing their kids

Sam: Vanessa used to be an Anti-vaxxer until her daughter died of measles. Now she’s is a pro-vaxxer

James: all smart people are pro-vaxxers, I’m so glad she saw the light because her neighbor has cancer that ruined her immune system and she’d be dead if she got measles.

Sam: Anti-vaxxers don’t care about the general public anyway.

by Vaccines Cause Adults January 2, 2019

103👍 27👎


Someone who believes in the scientific consensus, provided by studies completed by scientists worldwide. Someone who follows the recommendations taken from these studies put forth by the CDC, WHO, and other respective organizations. They are ridiculed and mocked by those who have stopped vaccinating who don’t have the understanding to interpret these recommendations, are willfully ignorant of these recommendations, or believe there is a giant worldwide conspiracy that big pHarma is out to poison their children.

A pro-vaxxer recently joined an anti-vax group, and was told she is poisoning and damaging her child.

by AntivaxxersAreIdiots January 2, 2019

61👍 15👎

pro virgin

A virgin who actually doesn't seem like one and is "experienced" either by watching too much porn or fooling around.

Dude 1: When Sally was giving me head, she was freakin' awesome!

Dude 2: Isn't she a virgin?

Dude 1: She's like a pro virgin.

by RBunny August 14, 2008

16👍 2👎


Someone who believes scientific research over someone who has searched on Google for two hours

I am a pro-vaxxer, unlike my anti-vaxxer cousin, whose children won't make it past 5 years-old.

by Fancdew15 January 2, 2019

32👍 7👎

Lo Pro

Short for "low profile"

dude1: dude why u got ur hoodie on?
dude2: i gotta keep a lo pro - my ex is here!

by muffmuff August 28, 2007

20👍 4👎

Pro Tip

A helpful piece of information or advice that may be generally unknown or secret. Originated in GamePro video game magazine.

"Oh, you have Professor McGee? Pro Tip: don't say anything bad about gay marriage in her class; she's a lesbian."

by Quetza1coat1 April 8, 2010

102👍 27👎

Pro Brono

(adv/adj) Denoting work undertaken by a bro for the good of one's bro without compensation, esp. when that bro needs help moving, a ride to the airport, or even a temporary wingman. Such work is considered just as noble, or perhaps nobler, than other voluntary service.

(adv) I do kinda have something else broing on tonight, but after I rackjacked Ted last night, I feel like I have to throw him a brone and help him hook up with Robin pro brono.

(adj) Might I enlist your pro brono services, gentlemen? This Tijuana prostitute isn't going to bury itself!

by Dinkmers August 21, 2009

42👍 9👎